1st August 2016
Welcome To The Future Of Abrasives Online!
Abracs would personally like to welcome you to their new and improved website abracs.com
After navigating through the site it is evident that clear and concise information delivered with flair has certainly been the key focus here. The user experience and easy to navigate design really helps whilst navigating throughout the new site. After releasing their brand new V3 Product Range Catalogue earlier this year the York based Abrasive and Accessories supplier has been growing at a rapid rate. Rob Jeffery, Managing Director at Abracs says ‘I would personally like to thank our marketing team for their dedication and hard work. The result is incredible! I feel this could revolutionise the Abrasive industry and how we, as a company are perceived online. Bright colours, innovative product packaging solutions, not forgetting the products themselves are displayed perfectly resulting in a website that really does reflect the people of Abracs and our company values. I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite you to take a look and experience Abracs online for yourself’. To celebrate the launch of their new website Abracs has put together a rather impressive prize giveaway, available to anyone! All you have to do is share the website via the ‘SHARE’ button on the homepage. EASY! Prizes include a brand spanking new iPad, iPod Touch, iTunes Vouchers and Amazon Vouchers. Why wouldn’t you spread the word!
Abracs would personally like to thank Rick Chadwick for all of his efforts developing the site. For all your website needs we can highly recommend Rick